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Marketing w Szkole Językowej - Kurs

790.00 zł

Dla kogo?

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research & Education. We have 20+ years of experience in academic and commercial research in emotions. We are global pioneers in consumer neuroscience.We create smart and agile tests for E

Komu pomagamy?

Grupa pierwsza

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research

Grupa pierwsza

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research

Grupa pierwsza

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research


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Problem 1

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research & Education. We have 20+ years of experience in academ

Problem 1

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research & Education. We have 20+ years of experience in academ

Problem 1

We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Research & Education. We have 20+ years of experience in academ

Co mówią o nas klienci?

Specjalista ds. Logistyki , LOT
Specjalista ds. Logistyki , LOT
Tytuł Case Study
We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Re
Tytuł Case Study
We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Re
Tytuł Case Study
We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Re

Marketing w Szkole Językowej - Kurs

PLN 790,00
PLN 890,00
Tytuł Case Study
We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market ReWe create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Re
Tytuł Case Study
Opis case study 5
Tytuł Case Study
We create smart and agile tests for Experience Management, Market Re

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Wersja papierowa + pdf

47,00 zł

Wersja pdf

39,00 zł

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